Hi boys and girls,
we know it's been ages since our last post but as I (Afri), have been away for a while in LA (3 weeks!), and then we haven't really done anything interesting enough to take nice pictures of, we have abandoned the blog a little bit.
But here we are again! Things over here are going well, specially now that we are mega excited as summer is finally arriving yesssss! After a year an a half of winter (since August 2015 in London), we can finally get some vitamin D back into our bodies and stop looking like ghosts! (though I know of someone who might swap the ghost face for a crab one hee hee).
So our plans now mainly involve going to the beach and enjoying the sunshine, and in my case, feeling the pressure to work out because everyone in Bondi seems to have come straight out of a fitness catalogue!! tssssssss...
We are also super excited because we have planned our Xmas holidays, as it will be our first time alone, so we are heading to the Great coral barrier reef!! so yep, expect very nice pictures from that. Unless, of course, we get eaten by a crocodile, as apparently there are some at the beach - yeah, there are crocodiles in the sea too, I always though they only lived in rivers, wtf? - together with the sharkies and the jellyfishes... ahhh mother nature is awesome. But don't worry, don't worry, you don't have to fear for our lives too much, because we have smartly booked a hotel with a nice swimming pool, so we can report to you all of our news from there lol.

So after this little intro, our post today is about a super nice exhibition we went to that they do between Bondi Beach and Tamarama Beach once a year, called Sculptures by the Sea. It is free and it is really nice to see, as they have sculptures from different artists from many countries, and all have been placed around the coastal walk overlooking the sea, so it's a very nice weekend plan, specially when you are hangover like us in the pictures (therefore please don't judge our terrible looks). See below!

And that's all from us at the moment, hopefully we will visit new places and we will bring you some more lovely and enjoyable posts like this :p
Speak soooooon!
A&J xx